Living Out Our Faith Through Service

At Mount Calvary, we believe in living out our faith through service. Whether you’re interested in volunteering at church or partnering with our mission initiatives, there’s a place for everyone to make a meaningful impact.

Volunteer at Mount Calvary

Explore the many ways you can make a difference at Mount Calvary! From greeting guests and serving during worship to teaching Sunday School or assisting with events, there’s a volunteer opportunity for everyone. We welcome individuals of all ages and skill levels. Your time and talents will help build community, grow faith, and serve God. Learn more about how you can get involved and make an impact right here in our church.

Volunteer with Our Mission Partners

Partner with Mount Calvary to serve beyond our walls! We work with a variety of local and global organizations, including food pantries, shelters, and international aid groups. Whether you have a heart for community outreach, global missions, or hands-on service projects, there’s a place for you. Discover how you can volunteer with our mission partners and help bring hope, support, and resources to those in need near and far.

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
— 1 Peter 4:10 New Living Translation

Background Checks

All of our volunteers working closely with children and our employees will need to complete a background check every so often. A staff member will prompt you to complete the below Background Check Request Form when needed.