Support Our Mission Partners

Mount Calvary collaborates with various local and global organizations to extend Christ’s love in practical ways. Discover how you can get involved in serving our community and the world.

Local Partners

Dakota Alano Society

Provides recovery support for individuals impacted by addiction through AA, Al-Anon, and other meetings.

Local Partners

Dakota County Temporary Shelters

Offers emergency shelter services for those in need within Dakota County.

If you or someone you know is in need of shelter in Dakota County, please call 651-319-2153.

The Open Door Food Pantry

Started at Mount Calvary in 2005 serving 38 families has quickly become over 400 families weekly in Dakota County. Support through food collections, especially paper bags. We hold collections throughout the year and alway collect paper bags as they go through over 2,000 bags each week to serve 400+ families. You can drop off bags whenever you are at Mount Calvary either on the carts at the bottom of the stairs or leave them at the Welcome Desk. One of our staff members or wonderful volunteers will make sure they get to The Open Door each week.

Rahn Elementary School

Annual school supply drives to support students and families in need.

Int'l Association for Refugees - Jonathan House

Provides housing and support for asylum seekers in St. Paul.

Ally Supportive Services

Connects with unsheltered individuals to offer resources and build relationships.

Asia: Susan & Ishak

Promotes interfaith peace and youth ministry through sports and community engagement.

Subscribe to their email updates by emailing Katie (

Days for Girls (South of the River, MN)

Empowers girls and women globally by providing menstrual health kits and education. Join our sewing days.

Mount Calvary Quilters

Join our quilting group to craft quilts for local and global disaster relief.

Global Health Ministries

We collect handmade quilts and afghans to support global health initiatives.

Lutheran World Relief

Partners with communities worldwide to promote sustainability and respond to crises.

Tansania Companion Congregation

Partnering with Ipalamwa village for education, economic growth, and relationship-building through Iringa Hope.

If you would like more information on how you can participate and contribute, please contact Pastor Kelli at

In need of Assistance?

If you are in need of assistance, please see Dakota County’s Community Resource Guide.