We would love for you to join us!

Bible Studies

At Mount Calvary, we believe that we thrive when we gather in community, create meaningful relationships, and learn about God together. One way to do that at Mount Calvary is to join a Bible Study. All of our current opportunities are listed below.

Online Bible Study

When: Monday mornings, 9:30 - 10:30am (Starts September 9)
Where: Zoom
Details: Join us to discuss the scripture readings for the coming Sunday.
Contact: Pastor Tom (pastor.tom@mtcalvary.com)

Women's Bible Study

When: Wednesdays, 9:30 - 11am (Starts September 11)
Where: Fireside Room
Details: Women gather for Bible study, discussion, and fellowship, focusing on readings from the upcoming Sunday.
Contact: Katy Ross (katytross@gmail.com)

Interested in Leading a Bible Study?

If you would like to start and lead a Bible study or faith formation group, please reach out to one of our pastors who are eager to support you!

Contact: Pastor Tom (pastor.tom@mtcalvary.com) or Pastor Kelli (pastor.kelli@mtcalvary.com)